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Asbestos Workers

Asbestos and Occupational Hygiene Services

Our Team of Environmental Scientists, Occupational Hygienists, SafeWork NSW Licensed Asbestos Assessors, Chemists and Demolition Supervisors have the hands-on, industry experience to create cost-effective solutions for you projects. If you need something bespoke, or we haven't listed a service you're after, please give us a call; it's likely something we can do.

Asbestos Register - Commercial Compliance


An Asbestos Register is a compilation of all known visible asbestos products within a building, combined with a risk assessment of the materials.

Bluestone Environmental will test all accessible products, from renders and vinyl tiles, to mastics, insulation and cement sheeting to generate this register. 

The risk assessment will determine how frequently you need to have the products reinspected (minimum every 5 years). The asbestos register is updated every time there is a change to one of the items on the list. 

How do you know if you need one?

Is your business located within a building constructed in 2003 or earlier? If you answered yes, and there are items that might contain asbestos (like fibre cement sheeting) then you need an asbestos register.

Asbestos Inspection - Pre purchase house/ business


If you are planning to buy a new house or business with the intention of renovating, we can help with a pre-purchase asbestos inspection. It will let you know which walls, or linings contain asbestos before you buy, so that this can inform the planning of your new kitchen or bathroom or commercial fit-out make-over. 

Bluestone Environmental offers pre-purchase asbestos inspections which: 

 - Identify, sample and report all accessible asbestos containing materials

 - provide a report on the materials condition, extent and locations.

Feel free to give us a call or send us an email to discuss your needs



Asbestos Management Plan


This is a management plan, which dictates how asbestos in your workplace is treated, and what policies and procedures are in place for managing risks associated with asbestos. 

It is a different document to an asbestos register, however refers to the register as part of its function. Generally the management plan is a live document which is able to be viewed by all employees which requires updating when controls for risk abatement are compromised or updated. 

Generally speaking, a workplace will contain a single asbestos management plan, and have the asbestos register updated from time to time as the risk assessment dictates. 

Workplace Health and Safety legislation states that an asbestos management plan is required for any business which has asbestos identified within the premises.

Hazardous Materials Survey for Demolition or Remediation (intrusive)


Many buildings were constructed and renovated over time, with layers of building materials overlaying and concealing older products. Consistent with Australian Standards AS2601, we provide an intrusive hazardous materials investigation which identifies all hazardous building materials within a structure, so that it can be effectively demolished or renovated. The register contains qualitative and quantitative identification for the following: 

  •  Asbestos

  •  Synthetic Mineral Fibres

  •  Polychlorinated Bifenyls 

  •  Ozone Degenerating Substances

  •  Crystalline Silica 

  •  Lead containing materials and lead dust

And stipulates how they should be handled and what licenses and procedures must be in place for their removal. 

Send us a message to book an investigation

Asbestos Contaminated Soils


Sites suspected of containing asbestos within the soil require thorough investigation for discovery and remediation purposes. 

Bluestone Environmental specialises in the investigation and remediation of asbestos containing soils with the following stages offered: 


Preliminary Site Investigation; A desktop study and site inspection, which aims to establish  a conceptual site model for contamination, and a scope for further investigation. 

Detailed Site Investigation: A comprehensive sampling investigation where soils are tested to delineate the lateral extent and depth of contaminated soils

Remediation Action Plan / Asbestos Summary Report: A report which details a number of remediation options, taking into consideration cost, capabilities and future land uses.

Asbestos Air Monitoring


During the removal and disposal of asbestos containing materials, asbestos fibres can become airborne. These airborne fibres, have been linked to negative health effects such as mesothelioma and lung cancer.

Some products are more likely than others to generate fibres, and currently NSW Health and Safety Regulations dictate that the removal of friable asbestos must be undertaken by suitably qualified removalists with air monitoring undertaken by an independent Licensed Asbestos Assessor. 

Bluestone Environmental offers air monitoring  for asbestos fibres with NATA accredited volumetric analysis for airborne asbestos fibres, and can oversee the removal of friable asbestos materials (soils or friable building materials). 

Health and Safety legislation recommends the use of air monitoring for bonded asbestos removal and we are happy to facilitate this if required.

Asbestos Clearance Certificate


NSW Health and Safety Legislation requires an asbestos clearance certificate to be issued after the removal of asbestos (bonded, friable or in soils). 

Bluestone Licensed Asbestos Assessors specialise in the validation sampling of asbestos in soils after remediation works and can issue clearances for the removal of friable and bonded asbestos.

If you want to know more about asbestos - please give us a call.

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Innovative, dependable & compliant environmental solutions for the construction, monitoring and civil services sector. 

Bluestone Environmental - Servicing both the community and our environment.

Triton Street, Lennox head NSW 2480

Mon-Fri: 8:00-5:00pm

Level 2/280 Flinders St, Townsville City, QLD 4810

+61 401 382 283

Northern NSW / SE QLD

(07) 44268400


2024 Bluestone Environmental

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